We can reduce the amount of water used in irrigation by up to 60%.
How do we do it?
Through our unique product design we are able to maximise the wetting pattern and minimise the number of irrigation lines and fittings required – therefore less labour cost.
KISSS is exempt from current water restrictions and can be installed in existing or new gardens and lawns with minimal disturbance.
In 1995 an international patent was registered for the KISSS® system.
IWT Pty. Ltd. then spent 10 yrs researching and refining the system under a wide range of crops and grasses to get the best results. It has been used extensively over the last 4 years in water re-use projects both on a commercial and domestic scale. It has also been installed around the Sydney harbour foreshore area and in many soils and sands from Perth to Dubai.
KISSS® has been refined through years of dedicated research on water efficiency needs in the soil in partnership with CSIRO Land and Water at Griffith, University of Western Sydney - Hawkesbury, University of Queensland - Gatton and Charles Sturt University- Wagga.
IWT Pty. Ltd. has been exporting water efficient technology to the commercial market across the globe for years and now they are opening up the opportunity to the domestic market for the first time.
Nearby Service areas are: Castle Hill, Beaumont Hills, Kellyville, Kellyville Ridge, NORTH KELLYVILLE, Annangrove, Glenhaven, Kenthurst