
Landscape Contractors Category

Dry-Treat is an Australian company which develps and manufactures the world's best impregnaating sealers for the protection of natural stone, tile, brick, concrete. Sealers are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and come with up to 15 year warranty. Acid-Proof, our latest innovation, is a world first - an impregnating sealer which keeps the natural appearance of vulnerable stone such as marble and limestone, while protecting it from wine, vinegar, lemon juice and other acidic substances which will quickly eat unprotected stone.

Product Services

  • STAIN-PROOF impregnating sealer for natural stone, tiles, pavers, concrete and grout - 15 year warranty when applied by accredited applicator - indoor and ourdoorsurfaces. Protects against staining, efflorescence and salt attack, retains existing look of
  • ACID-PROOF penetrating sealer for natural stone such as marble, limestone and travertine - indoor and outdoor - suitable for kitchen benchtops, floors, bathrooms etc. Surfaces become resistant to acid damage
  • ENHANCE-PLUS enrichment sealer, penetrates, enriches the colour of natural stone, tiles, pavers and concrete. Hides scratches and imperfections, makes surface more resistant to acid etching, protects against efflorescence, stains, salt attack. 5 year warr
  • DRY-TREAT 40SK surface consolidator - penetrates to consolidate and strengthen firable and loose surfaces. Protects form water and salt damage, controls efflorescence, retians colour and finish. 15 year warranty if appled by accredited applicator.

Nearby Service areas are: CROWS NEST, LANE COVE